
Determine whether your import requires an import permit and save time obtaining your permit by reviewing specific import requirements for common items.

Step One: Read the general requirements

Animals and animal products

An import permit is not required for commercially-produced packets of processed food products with ingredients of animal origin, labelled as having been produced in Australia or New Zealand.

  • Tinned foods
  • Seafood
  • Pet food (canned meat or biscuits)
  • Biscuits, cakes, pastry, noodles (cooked, with egg or honey ingredients)
  • Processed dairy products (butter, cheese, cream, ice-cream, infant food, pasteurized/UHT milk)
  • Egg (cooked – non fertile in hermetically sealed containers)
  • Health Foods containing bee products, including bee venom, pollen, propolis, royal jelly (must be processed and prepared as encapsulated doses such as tablets or capsules).
  • Processed beeswax (candles, cosmetics, foundation, ornaments, polishes)
  • Feathers (new dusters, hats, lures, bleached, curled or waved)
  • Furs (manufactured)
  • Leather (new and fully manufactured)
  • Saddles and saddle harnesses (new)
  • Wool (processed)

An import permit is required for all animals and animal products, including those listed above, from all other countries.

General requirements for all animal and animal product imports:

1. Permission to Import

Applications for a permit to import an animal or animal product are to be submitted on the official form well before the planned export of the animal or animal product.  Where a single entry permit is issued, the original copy of the import permit must be presented at the time of importation to obtain release of the consignment. Should the disease status of an exporting country change after an import permit has been issued Biosecurity Solomon Islands reserves the right to withdraw the permit or to vary the permit conditions at their discretion without prior notice.

Application Forms

2. Notification

The arrival date and mode of transportation are to be included in the permit application. In the case of live animals their arrival to be notified to Biosecurity Solomon Islands at least 48 hours prior to arrival, and no later than one working weekday before embarkation of the animals.

3. Transportation of Animals

Animals must be transported in a secure suitable container in accordance with the recommendations for the transport of live animals of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) live animals regulations as appropriate.

All feed or fodder accompanying the animals must comply with the import conditions of Solomon Islands for plant or animal products, if not then any surplus will remain on board the vessel or aircraft, or be destroyed at the owner’s expense upon arrival at the Port of Entry.

Any bedding should comprise only of sterile peat, soft board, treated wood shavings, shredded paper or other inert approved products.  All bedding material should remain on board the vessel or aircraft, or be destroyed by incineration at the owner’s expense upon arrival in Solomon Islands.

Animals are transported entirely at the risk of the importer and Biosecurity Solomon Islands holds no responsibility for the care or safety of animals during transport.

4. Documentation

The following documentation is required to accompany imports of animals and high risk animal products:

  1. A valid Import Permit is required: 
    1. For single importations of animals and animal products the Permit is to be presented at the time of importation. 
    2. For multiple importations under one Permit then a copy of the Permit may be presented at the time of importation.
  2. A Statutory Declaration by the owner or agent is required to accompany live animal imports, stating:
    1. A full description of the animal;
    2. That to the best of his/her knowledge the animal is free from all infectious and contagious diseases;
    3. That the animal has not been in contact with any diseased animals for the 30 days immediately prior to embarkation.
  3. An official Animal Health Certificate is required to accompany all imports of live animals and animal products.

The certificate must be signed by a Government Veterinary Officer of the exporting country attesting to the certification assurances required in the specific schedules for animals or animal products.

In some cases an Approved Veterinarian, approved by the veterinary authorities in the exporting country, may provide certification of pre-export treatments and health examinations.

5.    Post Arrival Procedures

On arrival in Solomon Islands all consignments of animals and animal products must be presented to a Biosecurity Officer for validation of any required documentation. In particular all live animals (except dogs and cats from Australia or New Zealand) must be inspected by veterinary officer approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock prior to release from the port of entry. All costs are to be borne by the importer.

Biosecurity Solomon Islands has the right to inspect, examine, sample, test, detain, quarantine and treat any consignments of animals to ensure they comply with Solomon Islands import requirements. Any non-compliant consignments of animals may be destroyed or re-exported. All costs associated with these actions are to be borne by the importer. Biosecurity Solomon Islands holds no responsibility for any losses incurred by the importer, owner or agent.

6. Post Entry Quarantine Requirements

Where animals are required to undergo a period of post entry quarantine, they must remain within the confines of an approved post entry quarantine facility for the full period of quarantine and will only be released at the discretion of by a veterinary officer approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. The post-entry facility must meet the following general requirements:

(i) The facilities must be inspected and approved by an officer authorised by the Director of Biosecurity before a permit for importation is issued, and:

  • Be sufficiently secure to contain the quarantined animals.
  • Contain adequate handling facilities for animals
  • Maintain adequate separation from other animals.
  • Have adequate containment of drainage and animal waste.
  • Have adequate provision for feed and water.

7.    Fees

A permit fee and an inspection fee will be charged in accordance with the current schedule of BSI fees and charges for Biosecurity Solomon Islands. Any and all costs or fees associated with ensuring consignments comply with import requirements are to be borne directly by the importer. Biosecurity Solomon Islands holds no responsibility for any losses incurred by the importer, owner or agent. 

Plants and plant products

An import permit and accompanying phytosanitary certificate is not required for certain commercially packaged and labelled plant products from any country.

  • Cooked fruit and vegetables
  • Pickled fruit and vegetables
  • Cooked plant products
  • Preserved fruit and vegetables
  • Fried plant products
  • Processed nuts (in their final processed form, i.e. shelled or hulled)
  • Freeze dried plant products
  • Spices
  • Frozen fruit and vegetables

An import permit is not required for vegetable seeds for sowing (except maize, sweetcorn) in consignments of less than 250gm from certain suppliers in certain countries so long as certain requirements have been met.

View the list of Approved vegetable seed suppliers.

An import permit is not required for certain timber products from all countries so long as certain requirements have been met.

  • Wood charcoal (including shell or nut charcoal)
  • Wood wool; wood flour.
  • Sheets for veneering less than 6mm thick
  • Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, etc.
  • Particle board, oriented strand board (OSB) and similar board
  • Fibreboard of wood.
  • Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood.
  • Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes.
  • Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects.
  • Packing cases, pallets, boxes, crates, drums and similar packing with ISPM 15 certification.
  • Casks, barrels, vats, tubs assembled and full.
  • Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handles, of wood
  • Tableware and kitchenware, of wood.
  • Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; caskets and cases etc.


  • Inspection on arrival, treat if required
  • Must be free of pests, soil and foreign matter

An import permit is not required for certain miscellaneous products from all countries so long as certain requirements have been met.

  • Artifacts
  • Basketware
  • Caneware

Requirements for small hand-carried consignments:

  • Must be clean, free of pests, soil and foreign matter
  • Inspection on arrival with treatment if required

Requirements for commercial consignments:

  • Pre-shipment fumigation with MB at 48g/m3 for 16 hours at 21oC.
  • Phytosanitary certificate confirming fumigation
  • Inspection on arrival to confirm effective fumigation.

An import permit is required for all plant and plant products not referenced above.

General requirements apply to all plant and plant product imports:

1. Permission to import

An Import Permit is required. Applications are to be submitted on the official form. The original copy of the permit must be presented to obtain release of the consignment.

Application Forms

2. Documentation

A Phytosanitary Certificate (PC), issued by the National Plant Protection Authority in the country of origin, must accompany all consignments, certifying the produce to be free of pests and diseases. The certificate must also include any additional declarations specified on the Import Permit.

Where a consignment has been transhipped to the Solomon Islands via another country, a “Re-export Certificate” shall accompany that consignment. The re-export certificate shall be issued by the National Plant Protection Authority at the port of re-export and clearly identify the consignment (i.e. exporter, consignee, description of product, number of packages, distinguishing marks, place of origin, means of conveyance, point of entry into country). The certificate shall certify that the consignment in question has been transported and handled in such a manner as to prevent the possibility of pest infestation and product substitution during transit.

3. Pre-shipping procedures

  • Shipments must be free of soil and/or debris and be packed in new packages.
  • Leafy vegetables must be free of roots, and non-leafy vegetables must be free of foliage.
  • Consignments are subject to inspection on arrival and any treatment necessary.


Machinery, Equipment & Transport

Included here are:

  • Earthmoving machinery
  • Logging equipment
  • Mining equipment
  • Agriculture equipment
  • Used or second hand vehicles
  • New vehicles
  • Sporting equipment
  • Camping equipment
  • Military equipment

Any of the above will be inspected on arrival and must be found free of soil, any plant material and any other biosecurity risk material. You are recommended to clean your equipment before they depart from the exporting country. Government or accredited agent certificates of cleanliness are welcome and may reduce the requirement for inspection on arrival.


Step Two: Find any specific requirements

Many animals, plants, and animal or plant products have specific import requirements additional to the general requirements listed above. Use the search filter here to find any specific requirements for your import.* Also review the definitions of plant and animal technical terms.

BSI Editor
/ Categories: Import Schedules

A11 - Fresh beef or lamb or mutton from New Zealand

Schedule No A11               Attachment No _____                for Permit No   _____




Commodity:                       Fresh Meat (Beef, lamb, Mutton)


Country of Origin:           New Zealand


For commercial consignments over 25 kg


Documentation Required:


Health Certificate


To certify that the meat/meat products contained in the consignment:

  1. They were derived from animals that were born and reared in Australia, subjected to ante and post mortem veterinary inspection at the time of slaughter and found to be free from disease and suitable for human consumption.


  2. Slaughtering and processing were carried out in premises approved by the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries for export.


  3. Packing and processing were carried in premises approved by the appropriate health authority in New Zealand


  4. The meat/meat products have not been treated with chemical preservatives or other foreign substances injurious to human health.


  5. The meat/meat products have been stored and transported under hygienic conditions and in such a manner so as to keep them free from any causative agents of animal infectious disease prior to shipment.


  6. Anthrax, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, foot and mouth disease, BSE and rinderpest do not occur in New Zealand.


    For non commercial consignments under 25 kg


    Documentation Required:


    Each consignments is to be accompanied by either:


    A certificate of origin issued by a government veterinary officer in the country of export certifying that slaughtering and processing was carried out in premises approved for that purpose by the appropriate health authority in that country, OR;


    A receipt showing that the meat was purchased from a commercial retailer in the country of origin.


Previous Document A10 - Fresh beef or lamb or mutton or pork meat from Australia
Next Document A12 - Fresh beef from Vanuatu
Commodity Group
  • Animal product
Country of Export
  • New Zealand

* These are sample documents that provide an indication of the requirements your import must meet. You will receive the latest documents from us when you make your application. If you cannot find requirements for your proposed import and wish to investigate development of new ones, please contact us.


Contact Us

Honiara HQ: (+677) 24657

HQ Office
At Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Hibiscus Avenue, Honiara

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Support for the design and construction of this website was provided by the Australian aid program under their Solomon Islands Biosecurity Development Program and is gratefully acknowledged.